
AvaSure Branding and Website Case Study


AvaSure integrates remote and in-person care with AI-driven virtual sitting and nursing. In Q4 23 FINAO was approached to refresh the visual brand identity, overhaul the company website and extend the new visual language through video content and go-to-market assets. 





The challenge

AvaSure reduces labor costs and adverse events while freeing up nurses and support staff across facilities. But past website design and architecture did not adequately highlight the platform’s future-proof virtual care solutions. From the beginning of FINAO’s partnership with AvaSure, our goal was clear: balance people- and tech-centered offerings through branding, web design, and marketing materials.

Setting the stage

Nursing leaders are ready to embrace new strategies to maintain patient safety and reduce burnout. FINAO leveraged an updated color palette, new typography, and a custom icon set to ensure the new AvaSure site speaks more directly to the short-staffed healthcare teams. The updates better position AvaSure as an innovative leader in modern patient care.

Illustration & Photography

Our team honed in on the connectivity of AvaSure’s virtual sitting and nursing devices through custom illustrations. The illustrations highlight the comprehensiveness of the platform and balance between human and virtual care.

With an on-site shoot in Colorado Springs, FINAO captured AvaSure in action. We fused the new color palette, neutral tones and natural light to underscore real-life applications via custom photography and motion sequences across the site.

Ownable motion

Overseeing the creation of scripts, storyboards, custom shoots and final post production, FINAO helped AvaSure tell their story in a more compelling and ownable way. The new video content layers the technology with a human element to bring the vision of an enterprise healthcare tech platform to life.

Behind the screens

In development, our team provided extensive site customization with a modular approach to ensure efficiency, post-launch scalability, and responsive web experiences for desktop and mobile users.

Numbers don't lie

After launching, the new AvaSure site health score surged from 69% to 86%. Errors fell by nearly 15,000. These improvements signify substantial leaps forward in overall site health and SEO performance, with notable gains achieved in the weeks after launch.

Website design

FINAO strategically leveraged illustrations to highlight specifications and promote the capabilities of AvaSure technology on the refreshed website. Introducing secondary colors in illustrations, we enhanced visual appeal while maintaining clarity.

The new homepage prominently displays tangible benefits and ROI from hospital leaders. AvaSure solutions are now organized and dynamically promoted across the site with real-life interactions, case studies, and testimonials.

Revamped resources

Previously lacking organization, FINAO revamped AvaSure resources, streamlining categories and enhancing overall usability.

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